Three Star Union Apps

BLE Heart rate variability 1.0
BLE Heart rate variability demoBluetooth low energy (Smart) Heart rate variability sensordemoapp for AndroidThis app searches for nearby BLE devices and connects toheartrate sensor service. It shows heart rate (average pulse) andheartrate variability (beat-to-beat interval or RR data). The appalsohas a graphical demo of pulsing dot for real-timebiofeedbackmonitoring of hear rate variability showing nicely howbreathingrate affects heart rate variability.Heart rate variability could be used to calculatedifferentthings like training effect on sports, sleep quality,stress andrelaxation effects since it mirrors parasympatheticnervous systemactivity.BLE is a nice since it has open protocol for transmittingdatalike heart rate here. It makes setting up a developmentenvironmentrelatively fast and you can concentrate on doing youactualbusiness logic.This is an open source demo project for developers tostartexperimenting with BLE heart rate sensor development.The source code can be found in github: instructionsConnect heart rate BLE belt on your chest or wrist. Start theappand scan for BLE devices. Select heart rate sensor and wait fortheGATT hear rate service to be found. Heart rate data valuesstartsto update on the screen. Press demo button to show agraphical demoof heart rate variability. You will get nice graphicswhen you sitdown relaxed. Try some slow deep breaths. The dot showsyour heartrate variability cut from 700 milliseconds correspondingto pulseof 87. If your pulse is higher no dot is drawn. You canselect GATTinformation services to read other data on thedevice.TroubleshootingAndroid BLE seems to be slow to connect on first time. Please waitaminute or two to get the heart rate reading.If device is disconnected some times switching Android bluetoothoffand back on will help to reconnect.Make sure your chest belt is well moisturized to get agoodcontact.
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